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Artiste et professeur populaire, Fredericks Ngo Kii enseigne les claquettes depuis 20 ans dans plusieurs centres de formation de renommée nationale et internationale, notamment "la Juste debout school, Broadway dance center, Lax studio, Aid". Reconnu par ses pairs pour son sens du rythme et ses capacités d'improvisation. En 2012, il crée son premier spectacle solo, "Who I Am", suivi de quatre autres. En 2014, il crée la compagnie Tap in progress, reconnue pour les qualités innovantes de ses spectacles, qui mêlent la gestuelle hip hop aux rythmes des claquettes.

Depuis 2018, Fredericks est associé au label "French touch, la belle vie", une agence de communication qui promeut le savoir-faire culturel français. En 2019, il est désigné comme l'un des 10 meilleurs danseurs de claquettes au monde par le magazine américain YV5.
Il est également régulièrement invité dans divers festivals à travers le monde : Stockholm tap festival, tap breizh, dance as you are, Dc''Washington tap festival etc....

Il a commencé sa formation à Paris à l'école de swintap dans le "Broadway style". C'est aux Etats-Unis, notamment à New York, que Fredericks affine sa technique et développe sa musicalité pendant de nombreuses années aux côtés de Derrick K. Grant, Savion Glover, Aaron Tolson et Barbara Duffy, ce qui lui vaut le surnom de "Mister Groove".

english below

Popular artist and teacher Fredericks Ngo Kii has been teaching tap dance for 20 years at a number of nationally and internationally renowned training centers, including "la Juste debout school, Broadway dance center, Lax studio, Aid". Recognized by his peers for his sense of rhythm and improvisational skills. In 2012, he created his first solo show, "Who I Am", followed by four more. In 2014, he created the Tap in progress company, known for the innovative qualities of their performances, which blend hip hop gestures with tap dance rhythms.

Since 2018, Fredericks has been associated with the label "French touch, la belle vie", a communications agency that promotes French cultural know-how. In 2019, he will be named one of the 10 best tap dancers in the world by the American magazine YV5.
He is also a regular guest at various festivals around the world: Stockholm tap festival, tap breizh, dance as you are, Dc''Washington tap festival etc...

He began his training in Paris at the swintap school in the "Broadway style". It was in the USA, notably in New York, that Fredericks honed his technique and developed his musicality over many years alongside Derrick K. Grant, Savion Glover, Aaron Tolson and Barbara Duffy, earning him the nickname "Mister Groove".


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